Sunday 25 May 2014

The hospital is it still an issue!

The hospital is it still an issue! 

I believe Roscommon hospital is a major issue still in Roscommon. I remember Micheal Finneran former Minister of State stating at a time that the Hospital was not a HAC issue it’s an issue for everybody.

 The real proof for me that the hospital is an issue is that people tell me it is! The  calmest people I know in Loughglynn would swing for Frank Feighan because they voted for him at last General Election because they believed the promises. I know a man who was going to vote for John Mc Dermott but decided to vote FG after the promises. The same man says he’ll now vote Naughten till he dies but never Feighan!   I hear people in Castlerea speak very disparagingly about Frank it’s down to the hospital as for Roscommon town well you've heard them too.

The hospital has become a reason not to vote for Fine Gael and a reason to support opposition and the Denis Naughten camp for many.  Look at Roscommon town. 

In Elphin Valerie Byrne got a vote because of the hospital and the work she’s done. Elphin wanted its Councillor and they got behind her.

The hospital is an issue but it’s not just a HAC issue. Like the economy was not the preserve of the Progressive Democrats, Irish not the preserve of Sinn Féin, Law and Order not the Preserve of FG, Agriculture Fianna Fáil or workers Labour.

The Hospital is mainstream maybe the HAC is not? 

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